Mysql 8.0 OCP认证考试原题题库整理(CUUG内部资料)-第5题 Choose four. A newly deployed replication master database has a 10/90 read to write ratio. The complete dataset is currently 28G but will never fluctuate beyond +-10%. The database storage system consists of two locally attached PCI- E Enterprise grade disks (mounted as /data1 and /data2) The server is dedicated to this MySQL Instance. System memory capacity is 64G. The my.cnf file contents are displayed here: [mysqld] datadir=/data1/ innodb_buffer_pool_size=28G innodb_log_file_size=150M Which four changes provide the most performance improvement, without sacrificing data integrity? A) innodb-doublewrite=off B) innodb_log_group_home_dir=/data2/ C) innodb_log_file_size=1G D) innodb_undo_directory=/dev/shm E) log-bin=/data2/ F) innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 G) sync_binlog=0 H) innodb_buffer_pool_size=32G I) disable-log-bin