【优技教育】Oracle 19c OCP 082题库(第6题)- 2024年修正版 考试科目:1Z0-082 考试题量:90 通过分数:60% 考试时间:150min 本文为(CUUG 原创)整理并解析,转发请注明出处,禁止抄袭及未经注明出处的转载。 第6题: 6、Choose two. Which two are true about the precedence of operators and conditions? A) || has a higher order of precedence than + (addition). B) Operators are evaluated before conditions. C) AND and OR have the same order of precedence in a condition. D) NOT has a higher order of precedence than AND and OR in a condition. E) + (addition) has a higher order of precedence than * (multiplication). Answer:BD (解析:本体考的是逻辑操作符的优先级以及并置连接符与运算操作符之间的优先级问题,考题比较有新意。利用排除法得出答案 BD,答案 D 比较容易理解。并置连接符只是单纯的对数据进行连接,没有优先级之分) B:在条件之前对运算符进行评估 以下例子说明答案 A 是错的。 SQL> select 3 - 9||2 + 5||2 from dual; 3-9||2+5 -------- -572 SQL> select 9 - 3||2 + 5||2 from dual; 9-3||2 ------ 672
Oracle 19c OCP认证需要到Oracle指定的WDP机构,有了培训记录之后才能考试,考试需要考2科,分别是082(60%及格)和083(57%及格),两科都通过之后才能拿到证书。证书如下:
CUUG是甲骨文的金牌WDP合作机构,30多年品牌,培养了数万名数据库人才。想快速通过19c OCP考试的同学可以扫码联系老师咨询。