【优技教育】Oracle 19c OCP 082题库(Q 13题)- 2024年修正版 考试科目:1Z0-082 考试题量:90 通过分数:60% 考试时间:150min 本文为(CUUG 原创)整理并解析,转发请注明出处,禁止抄袭及未经注明出处的转载。 第13题: 13、Choose three. Which three are true about subqueries? A) A subquery can be used in a WHERE clause. B) A subquery cannot be used in the select list. C) < ANY returns true if the argument is less than the highest value returned by the subquery. D) A subquery can be used in a HAVING clause. E) = ANY can only evaluate the argument against a subquery if it returns two or more values. F) A subquery cannot be used in a FROM clause. G) < ANY returns true if the argument is less than the lowest value returned by the subquery. Answer:ACD
(解析:关于子查询的考点题库很多,该题没有太大的难度。答案 C 是测试逻辑判断能力,出现的变题可能性比较大。)
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